Bavarian Citizen Science Information Platform for Climate Research and Science Communication

Confrontation with the far-reaching consequences of climate change is requiring governments around the world to act and to introduce extensive adaptation and climate mitigation measures within their state’s boundaries. The implementation of such measures within a democratic state such as Bavaria, however, can only be successful if its citizens consider them to be legitimate, reasonable and achievable. Under the slogan “Creating Knowledge – Promoting Perception – Communicating Complexity”, the new BAYSICS citizen-science platform thus seeks to create hands-on experiences for select target groups (e.g. people seeking outdoor recreation opportunities, people affected by pollen allergies, nature-loving citizens, pupils) that will allow for the visualization of climate change effects as a result of observations made within people’s own backyards. Empirical, experimental and theoretical research methods from the fields of natural science, environmental education and environmental sociology, along with modern crowdsourcing media, will be employed to attract a variety of user groups and to spread awareness about climate impacts, adaptation and protection measures.

By use of innovative, technology-driven methods, BAYSICS thus enables a broad involvement of the public in science and research. Its cooperative design and participatory approach create opportunities for inquiry-based learning that help to educate locals about the complexity of climate change within their own communities. Characterized by a combination of scientific and environmental education goals, the joint project will cooperate closely with international, national and regional stakeholder groups including schools, teacher training institutes, NGOs, authorities and companies. BAYSICS will be available to all bayklif projects and, thanks to its open structure, will remain accessible to similar citizen-science projects in Bavaria in the long term.

Coordination and Communication

Subproject 1

General administration of the project involves the coordination of nine technical subprojects encompassed within the BAYSICS network. Reinforcing the project’s inter- and trans-disciplinary approach in regards to content, methodical and practical implementation is of central importance here. Specific coordination measures include the organisation of regular joint meetings, the development and implementation of project-specific ethics guidelines, as well as the drafting of a collaborative manuscript outlining a detailed communication, publication and dissemination strategy for all results. A particular focus of the work is to establish, expand and maintain a broad communication and press network. Via customized information bodies, internal networks and mass media sites, contributions tailored to each target group will be published on a regular basis to help promote a sustainable interest in BAYSICS citizen-science and research.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Annette Menzel

Professorship for Ecoclimatology
Technical University of Munich
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
85354 Freising
Tel: +49 8161 714740

Agile User Interaction in „Citizen Science“ – Building the BAYSICS IT Infrastructure

Subproject 2

BCitizens create science: recent social and technological developments pave the way to include citizens in research in new ways. The digitalization of our society enables and demands new levels of civil participation in scientific projects. The internet and new mobile communication devices revolutionize citizen participation and education worldwide. Combined with simple and cheap sensors for data collection they form a key requirement for citizen science projects. Currently however, a flexible IT infrastructure is missing, that offers more than the simple exchange about projects, especially in the environmental sciences.

To enable more agile developments, the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre will create an infrastructure tailored to the application. A multitude of modular tools will support scientists and scientific laymen to work on various research questions. This toolbox could be comprised of various tools, for example online learning and interview platforms or social media tools. The open structure will enable us to include other projects from the BayKlif network or integrate new tools. 

Finally, the topic of visualization plays a key role in the project. On the one hand, it will help scientific analyses, but on the other hand, it will also illustrate data and interconnections for policy makers and for the public. For scientific purposes, visualizations need to present measured or simulated data in a way that enables scientists to draw new knowledge from them. However, within this project, we also target the public, requiring an intuitively understandable and instructive presentation.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller

Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Boltzmannstr. 1
85748 Garching
Tel: +49 89 35831 8700

A Climate Event Portal for knowledge discovery

Subproject 3

This subproject is dedicated to the value-adding process of climate related event data. By event means a spatiotemporally significant change. An event is indicated by its duration (when), geographic location (where), the changing pattern (how), involved subjects (who) and involved objects (what). Events such as forest fire, flood, landslide, are easily understandable for the public and they may draw much more attention than sheer numbers and facts. Climate and environmental scientists use events as meaningful information units for the visualization, analysis and discovery of complex spatiotemporal distribution patterns, correlations, causalities and so on.

On the basis of OpenStreetMap (OSM) and official Digital Landscape Models in Bavaria, an open “Climate Event Portal” will be developed with two main functions: 1) the interactive and automatic extraction of climate-related event data from social media and digital archives; 2) the interactive and automatic recognition of complex relationships in the accessible event data. The objective is to demonstrate the synergetic effects between science, education and public engagement and to lay down a foundation for knowledge-based citizen initiatives for climate protection.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Liqiu Meng

Chair of Cartography
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
Tel: +49 89 28922826

Phenology as an Indicator of Climate Change

Subproject 4

In this subproject, phenology is used to better detect and communicate climate change, to use it for (school) education, and to make predictions about future change under fluctuating environmental conditions.

Why phenology? Primarily, phenological change acts as an ideal bio-indicator that helps to emphasize the effects of climate change and the need for adaptation. Secondly, it has the advantage of being easily disseminated to the public through a variety of channels such as BAYSICS online-tools. Its simple methodology furthermore allows for a smooth integration of phenological data collection and analysis in the school curriculum. The BAYSICS citizen science program builds on existing phenological data and observation methods, expanding them with additional information such as photographic documents. On the basis of long-term observation records, current questions about carry-over effects can be addressed while providing citizen scientists with a classification of their own observations within the spatiotemporal variation of phenological events in Bavaria. An evaluation of herbarium records allows for the inclusion of local historical data in our results. During various phenological experiments still to be developed, students will have the opportunity to work as junior scientists and directly simulate the effects of climate change on plant life. 

Overall, the integration of results allows for more accurate modeling of phenological variation under climate change and the development of adaptation strategies, which are communicated to the broad public in an engaging way. Ultimately, BAYSICS citizen science observation and experimentation data will be able to help close existing information gaps about (climatically induced) driving factors of change, and bring to light their effects on associated ecosystem services.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Annette Menzel

Professorship for Ecoclimatology
Technical University of Munich
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
85354 Freising
Tel: +49 8161 714740

Climate related changes in pollen loads

Subproject 5

The project focusses on the allergenic potential of urban parks.

Many climate change related effects have been discussed that may contribute to new allergen sensitization and more severe allergic respiratory diseases. Especially in cities, there are a high number of people suffering from pollen allergies. Adjuvant factors such as air pollutants have an impact on pollen leading to a higher burden for allergic people in urban areas. In order to adapt to climate change, detailed knowledge about the spatial variability of phenology, pollen season and pollen intensity is required. Investigations along urbanisation gradients (space-for-time approach) can be used to assess the influence of temperature on pollen production. As temperature is expected to increase due to climate change, this approach is used to conclude on future conditions.

Volumetric pollen traps are used to assess airborne pollen concentration.

In consideration of the citizen science approach, we evaluate climate-induced variations of pollen production. Moreover, we investigate pollen exposure, diurnal emission patterns of allergenic plants as well as individual symptoms. We evaluate the appropriateness of urban green spaces / city districts to reduce pollen exposure.The results of the allergernicity of urban green spaces serves to affect the new planting or new design of green spaces.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Susanne Jochner-Oette

Physical Geography / Landscape Ecology and sustainable ecosystem development
Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Ostenstraße 18
85072 Eichstätt
Tel: +49 8421 9321742

Detection of altitudinal limits of tree species by hikers

Subproject 6

Mountain forests of the Bavarian Alps are subject to above-average climate warming. Are upper limits of beech, fir, spruce et al. moving upwards? Due to insufficient monitoring schemes, science cannot currently answer this seemingly simple question. On the other hand, tens of thousands of hikers frequent the summits, walk the treeline and increasingly use smartphones for navigation and fotos. Our project raises makes hikers aware of connections between mountain forests and climate change, trains them in identifying frequent tree species and offers to share their observations with a large community through the BAYSICS app. Based on mass media of the German Alpine Club (DAV) and the Bavarian State Forest Enterprise (BaySF) we make use of citizen science, crowdsourcing and gamification. Results are visualized and compared to historical data from the mid-19th century (the end of the Small Ice Age with almost 2° colder temperatures).

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Jörg Ewald

Botany, vegetation science
University of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 3
85354 Freising
Tel: +49 8161 715909

Animals in the city - environmental justice in times of climate change

Subproject 7

Biodiversity loss and climate change-related alterations in animal distribution and behaviour are normally expert knowledge. This is particularly true for city dwellers where most people have little daily contact to nature. For city dwellers, urban greenspaces are the places where they can experience nature, and in particular wild animals, yet those greenspaces are under pressure as cities grow and densify. Methods such as “Animal-Aided Design” (Weisser & Hauck 2017) aim to integrate animals into the planning of urban greenspaces, to improve human experience of nature and animal conservation, but they require the agreement and active participation of citizens.

This project aims to involve citizens into the collection of data on animals inside and outside cities, to understand how climate change and urbanisation affects animal distribution and behaviour. In addition, it aims to explore human preferences for particular animals and the factors that influence whether humans like to have wild animals in their vicinity. The results of the project will increase our understanding of how city dweller perceive animals and how their awareness can be raised. The knowledge acquired in the project and the tools developed will help future urban planning projects to better design cities and their greenspaces, not only for humans, but also for animals. 

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang W. Weisser

Chair for Terrestrial Ecology
Department of Ecology and Ecosystemmanagement
Technical University of Munich
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2
85354 Freising
Tel: +49 8161 713495

A local climate report for our region – Students investigate the local implications of climate change

Subproject 8

Subproject 8 offers upper stage secondary level students the opportunity to investigate the global climate change phenomenon and its relevance for their own living environment right in front of their doorsteps. Students learn to use various research methods, such as scientific tools to assess and measure climate change variables in the field, documenting and interpreting data from the observation of phenological and biological processes or socio-geographic data collection with questionnaires. They then apply these methods to their own region to gain an interesting insight into the implications of climate change in their very own living environment. For that purpose, starting from May 2018, the Chair of Geography Education at the University of Augsburg, in cooperation with several Bavarian secondary schools, has been creating a comprehensive didactic concept which follows the principles of inquiry-based learning. 

Instead of being passive recipients of knowledge transfer, the concept will allow learners to participate actively in research and scientific progress, in accordance with the Citizen Science approach. The students’ critical engagement with the topic of climate change in the seminars is to facilitate their individual development of differentiated evaluative and actional abilities in the face of climate change issues. As many measures of adaption and protection of the environment can only be realised if citizens see them as legitimate and useful, politics and science can also benefit from this project. With the help of citizen conferences on climate change and local climate reports co-authored by students, it is possible to bring the topic to the attention of the general public in Bavaria. Furthermore, the collected data of climate change seminars at schools contribute to the Citizen Science platform, and through that to the investigation of climate change in Bavaria. 

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ohl

Institute of Geography
Chair of Geography Education
University of Augsburg
Alter Postweg 118
86135 Augsburg
Tel: +49 821 5982261

Dialogues on Climate Change – Understanding, Communicating and Evaluating Complexity

Subproject 9

Climate change offers different points of reference for interdisciplinary teaching as well as links to ongoing public debates. In this context, the claim of education to promote pupils’ decision-making competence in science classes meets a complex subject matter, as the public debates about climate change are characterized by an oratory of catastrophe and mixture of scientific and political arguments. Complex issues like climate change and the related dealing with uncertainty and controversial theories require a high degree of ambiguity tolerance of learners and teachers, i.e. their ability to endure uncertainty and complexity and to use them productively. Science teacher training should foster the understanding of the nature of science and the role of communication in science and in the public and should provide assistance for teaching a discursive and a participative specialized class. This includes imparting students’ basic skills to deal with complex and controversial issues and to comprehend climate research by exemplary research projects. Focus of the study is to survey conceptions about the nature of science concerning complexity, uncertainty and science communication as well as studying relevant attitudes and abilities for teaching and how these are affected by teacher trainings.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Arne Dittmer

Professorship of Didactics of Biology
University of Regensburg
Universitätsstr. 31
93053 Regensburg
Tel: +49 941 9433114

Responsibility and effectiveness: Social perspectives on climate protection

Subproject 10

Climate protection measures in democratic societies can only be successful if citizens accept them as feasible and legitimate. Perceptions of responsibility and efficacy (e.g. who is responsible for a particular measure, how much influence does an individual, group, or institution have) play a key role in creating public acceptance. However, major knowledge gaps persist concerning these issues, which could be effectively closed through targeted social scientific research. 

BAYSICS subproject 10 is dedicated to the social-scientific investigation, assessment and analysis of public views and opinions concerning the responsibility and efficacy of different societal actors (e.g. consumers, businesses, associations and social movements, national, regional and local political organisations) in the realm of climate protection. It adopts an innovative multi-stage research design that links theoretical, conceptual and empirical steps.
The empirical part of BAYSICS Subproject 10 combines both qualitative and quantitative social research methods (e.g. interviews with citizens, politicians and scientists, focus groups and an online survey). It intends to capture a broad range of opinions, with a particular focus on societal actors who are involved climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in Bavaria. Scientific insights from this subproject will also inform recommendations for political and practicalaction.

Principal investigator
Prof. Dr. Henrike Rau

Teaching and Research Facility Environment and Society
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Luisenstraße 37
80333 München
Tel: +49 89 21804179


  • Decoding autumn phenology: Unraveling the link between observation methods and detected environmental cues
    Simon Kloos, Anne Klosterhalfen, Alexander Knohl, Annette Menzel
    Global Change Biology 2024
  • The linkage between functional traits and drone-derived phenology of 74 Northern Hemisphere tree species
    Simon Kloos, Marvin Lüpke, Nicole Estrella, Wael Ghada, Jens Kattge, Solveig Franziska Bucher, Allan Buras, Annette Menzel
    Science of the Total Environment 2024
  • Competing Climate Cultures in Germany. Variations in the Collective Denying of Responsibility and Efficacy
    Sarah Kessler
    2024: 254 S., Transcript Verlag
  • Weather explains the decline and rise of insect biomass over 34 years
    Jörg Müller, Torsten Hothorn, Ye Yuan, Sebastian Seibold, Oliver Mitesser, Julia Rothacher, Julia Freund, Clara Wild, Marina Wolz & Annette Menzel
    Nature 2023
  • Grüne Klimastreifen – Green warming stripes
  • Pheninterpol
  • Citizen Science-Portal und App zur Klimaforschung vor der eigenen Haustür (BAYSICS)
  • TreelinePredict
  • TECCS – Twig Experiment Climate Change Simulator (BAYSICS)
  • Baum 4.0
  • Investigation of spatial and temporal variations of airborne Poaceae, Myrtaceae and Cupressaceae pollen and Alternaria spores in Sydney, Australia, 2017–2020
    Jetschni J, Al Kouba J, Beggs PJ et al
    Aerobiologia 2023
  • Entspricht das “Höherwandern” der Stechpalme (Ilex aquifolium L.) in den Bayerischen Alpen seit Sendtner (1854) der Erwärmung in diesem Zeitraum?
    Rösler S, Olleck M, Ewald J
    Forstliche Forschungsberichte München 2022; 223: 47-64, Zentrum Wald Forst Holz Weihenstephan
  • Inquiry-Based Learning on Climate Change in Upper Secondary Education: A Design-Based Approach
    Brumann S, Ohl U, Schulz J.
    Sustainability 2022; 14(6): 3544
  • Web technologies to support scientific research and education in citizen science – a case study for Germany
    Batsaikhan A, Kurtz W, Hachinger S
    Digital 2022; 2022 (2): 53-64
  • Data from public and governmental databases show that a large proportion of the regional animal species pool occur in cities in Germany
    Sweet FST, Apfelbeck B, Hanusch M, Garland Monteagudo C, Weisser WW
    Journal of Urban Ecology 2022; 8 (1)
  • Was können wir aus Krisen lernen? Reflexion der Verflechtungen der Corona-Pandemie und der Klimakrise
    Ohl U, Pettig
    GW-Unterricht 2021; 163: 56-66.
  • Klimawandel im Dialog. Fortbildungen zum Thema Klimaforschung und Klimakommunikation im Biologieunterricht
    Dittmer A, Pöhner V
    Menthe J, Waitz T, Düker P, Lentz C (Hrsg.), BNE in Schule und Lehrkräftefortbildung 2021: 57-65; Münster, Waxmann
  • Diverging growth performance of co-occurring trees (Picea abies) and shrubs (Pinus mugo) at the treeline ecotone of Central European mountain ranges
    Šenfeldr M, Kaczka R, Buras A, Samusevich A, Herrmann C, Spyt B, Menzel A, Treml V
    Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2021; 308-309: 108608
  • Agricultural drought detection with MODIS based vegetation health indices in Southeast Germany
    Kloos S, Yuan Y, Castelli M, Menzel A
    Remote Sensing 2021; 13(19): 3907
  • Spatial and temporal variations of airborne Poaceae pollen along an urbanization gradient assessed by different types of pollen traps
    Jetschni J, Jochner-Oette S
    Atmosphere 2021; 12(8): 974
  • Der Klimawandel in unserer Region – forschendes Lernen im W-Seminar der gymnasialen Oberstufe.
    Brumann S, Ohl U
    Obermeier G, Miosga M, Schrüfer G, Barthmann K [eds.]: Nachhaltigkeit (= Bayreuther Kontaktstudium Geographie, Bd. 11) 2021; 11: 103-111; Bayreuth, Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth, ISBN: 978-3-939146-26-1
  • Ground and satellite phenology in alpine forests are becoming more heterogenous across higher elevations with warming
    Misra G, Asam S, Menzel A
    Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2021; 303: 108383
  • Maps, trends, and temperature sensitivities—phenological information from and for decreasing numbers of volunteer observers
    Yuan Y, Härer S, Ottenheym T, Misra G, Lüpke A, Estrella N, Menzel A
    International Journal of Biometeorology 2021
  • A first pre-season pollen transport climatology to Bavaria, Germany
    Menzel A, Ghasemifard H, Yuan Y, Estrella N
    Frontiers in Allergy 2021; 2: 627863
  • Steigen die Baumgrenzen in den Bayerischen Alpen?
    Ewald J, Rösler S, Olleck M, Reger B
    Klima-Report Bayern 2021: 93
  • Klimaforschung auf Otto Sendtners Spuren – mit Citizen Science die Baumgrenzen in den Bayerischen Alpen untersuchen
    Rösler S, Olleck M, Ewald J
    Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt 2020; 85: 159-172
  • Application of modern web technologies to the Citizen Science Project BAYSICS on climate research and science communication
    Batsaikhan A, Hachinger S, Kurtz W, Heller H, Frank A
    Sustainability 2020; 12(18): 7748
  • Chilling and forcing from cut twigs—How to simplify phenological experiments for Citizen Science
    Menzel A, Yuan Y, Hamann A, Ohl U, Matiu M
    Frontiers in Plant Science 2020; 11: 561413
  • Climate warming increases spring phenological differences among temperate trees
    Geng X, Fu Y, Hao F, Zhou X, Zhang X, Yin G, Vitasse Y, Piao S, Niu K, De Boeck HJ, Menzel A, Penuelas J
    Global Change Biology 2020; 26: 5979-5987
  • Growth and resilience responses of Scots pine to extreme droughts across Europe depend on predrought growth conditions
    Bose AK, Gessler A, Bolte A, Bottero A, Buras A, Cailleret M, Camarero JJ, Haeni M, Heres AM, Hevia A, Lévesque M, Linares JC, Martinez-Vilalta J, Matías L, Menzel A, Sánchez-Salguero R, Saurer M, Vennetier M, Ziche D, Rigling A
    Global Change Biology 2020; 26: 4521-4537
  • Designing wildlife-inclusive cities that support human-animal co-existence
    Apfelbeck BR, Snep PH, Hauck TE et al. Weisser WW
    Landscape and Urban Planning 2020; 200: 103817
  • Climate change fingerprints in recent European plant phenology
    Menzel A, Yuan Y, Matiu M, Sparks TH, Scheifinger H, Gehrig R, Estrella N
    Global Change Biology 2020; 26: 2599-2612
  • Does Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.) have an autumn temperature control to limit precocious flowering in spring?
    Sparks TH, Buras A, Estrella N, Menzel A
    International Journal of Climatology 2020; 40: 4518-4527
  • A conceptual framework for choosing target species for wildlife-inclusive urban design
    Apfelbeck B, Jakoby C, Hanusch M, Steffani EB, Hauck TE, Weisser WW
    Sustainability 2019; 11 (24) : 6972
  • Researching climate change in their own backyard—Inquiry-based learning as a promising approach for senior class students
    Brumann S, Ohl U, Schackert C
    Leal Filho W, Hemstock S (eds), Climate change and the role of education 2019: 2019; Cham, Springer
  • Developing a citizen science portal on climate change – Data management and visualization
    Divanis A, Batsaikhan A, Meng L
    Schaldach, R., Simon, K.-H., Weismüller, J. & Wohlgemuth, V. (eds): Environmental Informatics: Computational Sustainability: ICT Methods to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2019: 10-16; Kassel, , Shaker-Verlag, EnviroInfo 2019
  • Wildtiere im Wohnumfeld: Wie werden sie von Wohnungsunternehmen bewertet?
    Jakoby C, Rogers R, Apfelbeck B, Hauck, Weisser WW
    Natur und Landschaft 2019; 5-2019: 181-187
  • Projecting tree species composition changes of European forests for 2061-2090 under RCP4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios
    Buras A, Menzel A
    Frontiers in Plant Science 2019; 9: 1–13
  • Animal-Aided Design im Wohnumfeld. Einbeziehung der Bedürfnisse von Tierarten in die Planung und Gestaltung städtischer Freiräume
    Hauck TE, Weisser WW (Hrsg.)
    2019: 1-60
  • Forschendes Lernen im Geographieunterricht
    Brumann S, Ohl U
    Obermaier G (ed), Vielfältige Geographien - fachliche und kulturelle Diversität im Unterricht nutzbar machen 2019: 101-115; Bayreuth, Verlag Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Bayreuth
  • Herausforderungen und Wege eines systematischen Umgangs mit komplexen Themen in der schulischen Nachhaltigkeitsbildung
    Ohl U
    2018: 131-146; München, Pyhel, Th. (ed): Zwischen Ohnmacht und Zuversicht? Vom Umgang mit Komplexität in der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation (= DBU-Umweltkommunikation, Bd. 10)
  • Are Scots pine forest edges particularly prone to drought-induced mortality?
    Buras A, Schunk C, Zeiträg C et al., Menzel A
    Environmental Research Letters 2018; 13: 025001

Doctoral Thesis

  • A Climate Event Portal for Citizen Science – Providing Research Tools on a Public Platform
    Divanis, Andreas (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Meng, BAYSICS TP3)
  • Remote sensing of plant phenology across seasons and years
    Kloos, Simon (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Menzel, BAYSICS TP4)
  • Temporal and spatial variations of allergenic pollen in cities
    Jetschni, Johanna (bei Prof. Jochner-Oette, BAYSICS TP5; 2023 erfolgreich abgeschlossen)
  • Tiere in der Stadt: Vorkommen, Akzeptanz und der Einfluss des Klimawandels
    Sweet, Fabio (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Weisser, BAYSICS TP7)
  • Climate Change Education und transformative Bildung im Geographieunterricht als Antwort auf den globalen Wandel
    Schulz, Johannes (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen zum regionalen Klimawandel in der gymnasialen Oberstufe – forschungsgeleitete Entwicklung eines wissenschaftspropädeutischen Konzepts nach dem „Design-based Research“-Ansatz
    Brumann, Sebastian (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Komplexität und Ungewissheit im Biologieunterricht: Förderung partizipativer Klimabildung in einer lernstoffzentrierten Unterrichtskultur?
    Pöhner, Verena, geb. Frantzen (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • Zwischen Verantwortung und Verdrängung: Klimakulturen und Klimawissen in Bayern
    Kessler, Sarah (derzeit PhD bei Prof. Rau, BAYSICS TP10)

Final Papers

  • Einfluss von Chilling und Forcing auf die Blattphänologie dreier heimischer Baumarten – Erkenntnisse des Teccs-Experiments
    Netter, Sandra (laufende Bachelorarbeit 2023 bei Prof. Jochner-Oette, BAYSICS TP5)
  • Das Allergierisiko städtischer Parks – Analyse verschiedener Beurteilungsmethoden am Beispiel des Hofgartens
    Rippert, Annika (Bachelorarbeit 2022 bei Prof. Jochner-Oette, BAYSICS TP5)
  • Untersuchungen zur Pollenproduktion und -emission von Birken (Betula pendula Roth) im Stadtgebiet von Ingolstadt
    Fürst, Sabine (Masterarbeit 2023 bei Prof. Jochner-Oette, BAYSICS TP5)
  • Standortsabhängige phänologische Entwicklung am Beispiel des Austriebs von heimischen Baumarten im Oberland in Abhängigkeit des Mikroklimas
    Schweiger, Matthäus (derzeit Masterarbeit Forst (TUM) BAYSICS TP4)
  • Influence of Humidity on Spring Leaf-out of Temperate Woody Plants
    Gustschin, Elena (Masterarbeit 2020 bei Prof. Menzel / Dr. Estrella, BAYSICS TP4)
  • Einfluss der Temperatur auf den Blühtermin von Geophyten in Deutschland
    Auberger, Katrin (Bachelorarbeit 2019 bei Prof. Menzel / Dr. Estrella, BAYSICS TP4)
  • Multinational analysis on flowering responses to climate change
    Natsumi, Yoshida (Masterarbeit 2019 bei Prof. Menzel / Dr. Estrella, BAYSICS TP4)
  • Pollenproduktion von Birke und Hasel entlang eines Urbanisierungsgradienten in Ingolstadt unter Berücksichtigung stadtklimatologischer Parameter
    Schwarzer, Elena (derzeit Masterarbeit bei Prof. Jochner-Oette, BAYSICS TP5)
  • Untersuchung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Baumgrenzen in den Berchtesgadener Alpen
    Metzger, Stefan (Bachelorarbeit 2021 bei Prof. Ewald, BAYSICS TP6)
  • Untersuchung der Veränderung der Höhengrenzen im Wettersteingebirge (Bayerische Alpen) und deren Relation zur Klimaerwärmung während der Vegetationsmonate
    Böhle, Ann-Sophie (Bachelorarbeit 2020 TH Bingen, extern betreut von BAYSICS TP6)
  • Entwicklung eines Exkursionskonzepts nach dem Ansatz des forschenden Lernens für ausgewählte Gebiete der bayerischen Alpen
    Schönauer, Julia (derzeit Zulassungsarbeit bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Didaktische Aufbereitung des „Tea Bag Index“ für den Einsatz beim forschenden Lernen im W-Seminar
    Busch, Janina (derzeit Zulassungsarbeit bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen aus der geographischen Perspektive des Heimat- und Sachunterrichts in der Grundschule. Skizzierung von Potentialen und Herausforderungen anhand eines Beispielkonzepts.
    Bätz, Kathrin (Zulassungsarbeit 2021 bei Sebastian Brumann, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Digitale Bildung zum regionalen Klimawandel – theorie- und forschungsgeleitete Entwicklung eines interaktiven Onlinelernmoduls zum Thema Klimawandel und Baumgrenzen
    Seiler, Patrick (Zulassungsarbeit 2021 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Selbstgesteuertes Lernen mit Video-Tutorials – eine theoriegeleitete Konzeption von Lernvideos über die Inbetriebnahme, Programmierung und Auswertung einer senseBox
    Mayr, Tanja (Zulassungsarbeit 2020 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Unterstützung Forschenden Lernens durch ein Online-Lernmodul zum Thema Klimawandel und Wasser
    Langer, Jeremias (Zulassungsarbeit 2020 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen in der Realschule am Beispiel des Themas „Stadtgrün“ im Rahmen des Klimawandels
    Kirsch, Alina (Zulassungsarbeit 2020 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen im Geographieunterricht. Theorie, Gestaltung und Produktion von Video-Tutorials zu Grundlagen ausgewählter geographischer Forschungsmethoden für die Anwendungen in wissenschaftspropädeutischen Seminaren an bayerischen Gymnasien
    Ablaßmeier, Alexandra Sophie (Zulassungsarbeit 2020 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen im Geographieunterricht – Landwirtschaft und Ernährung in Zeiten des Klimawandels
    Wasylychyn, Anastasija (Zulassungsarbeit 2019 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Entwicklung und Optimierung eines didaktischen Konzepts für die Fragefindungsphase beim Forschenden Lernen in einem geographischen wissenschaftspropädeutischen Seminar der gymnasialen Oberstufe
    Schwall, Lisa (Zulassungsarbeit 2019 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen in der Oberstufe. Ausarbeitung und Ausformulierung eines interaktiven Lernmoduls zum Thema „Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf den Boden“
    Mair, Regina (Zulassungsarbeit 2019 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Forschendes Lernen in der Oberstufe. Konzeption zur Begleitung der selbstständigen Feldforschung im Rahmen eines W-Seminars
    Berktold, Monika (Zulassungsarbeit 2019 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Erstellung eines Lernmoduls zum Forschenden Lernen im Geographieunterricht: Klimawandel und Tiere in der Stadt
    Zanker, Valerie (Zulassungsarbeit 2018 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Klimawandel im Ökosystem Wald. Entwicklung eines Online-Lernmoduls für den Einsatz beim Forschenden Lernen in der gymnasialen Oberstufe
    Müller, Sabrina (Zulassungsarbeit 2018 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)
  • Klimawandel und Klimabildung: Individuelle Mediennutzung, wahrgenommene Verantwortung und Wahrnehmung von Wirksamkeit bei Lehramtsstudierenden des Faches Biologie
    Rüth, Marie-Sophie (Masterarbeit 2022 bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • Kritisches Denken – die Lösung im Kampf gegen Falschinformationen?
    Peintinger, Bianca (Zulassungsarbeit 2022 bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • Das Waldbild der Zukunft? Wie der Klimawandel vertraute Naturbilder herausfordert
    Arlt-Pongratz, Gerrit (Zulassungsarbeit 2022 bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • „Falsches Wissen durch andere Meinungen ausmerzen“ – Die Wahrnehmung kontroverser Meinungen von angehenden Lehrkräften
    Kilian, Lisa (Zulassungsarbeit 2021 bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • Die Rolle von Fake News im Biologieunterricht anhand aktueller Diskussionen zu Klimawandel und Corona-Pandemie
    Klöckner, Merle (Zulassungsarbeit 2021 bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation im Zeitalter von Fake News, Echokammern und Filterblasen – Medienkompetenz als Bestandteil des wissenschaftspropädeutischen Biologieunterrichts
    Rüth, Marie-Sophie (Bachelorarbeit 2020 bei Prof. Dittmer, BAYSICS TP9)
  • Forschendes Lernen im Geographieunterricht anhand eines Lernmoduls zu Klimawandel und Wasser
    Rudolf, Anna (Zulassungsarbeit 2018 bei Prof. Ohl, BAYSICS TP8)