Adaptation of Alpine Pollinators in Times of Global Change

The alpine habitats in Bavaria are particularly affected by climate change: on the one hand, mean annual temperature is rising here more than twice as fast as on the global average. On the other hand, these habitats harbor a unique diversity of animal and plant species, including many cold-adapted organisms relying on the last cool refuges in higher elevations.  

Alpine species have different possibilities to cope with the rapid pace of climate warming in order to avoid extinction. Either they track their climatic niches by shifting their phenology or ranges of occurrence, or – alternatively – they adapt to the new abiotic conditions. As all species respond individually, previous interaction partners will get separated, with unknown consequences for species’ fitness and the ecosystem services they provide. Also the adaptability of most species is only poorly understood. 

The junior research group ADAPT seeks to understand how pollinator communities adapt to climatic changes. Pollinators play a key role in terrestrial ecosystem as they secure the reproduction and genetic diversity of most wild plants and the majority of crops. We will investigate how pollinator communities in the National Park Berchtesgaden have changed in the past 10 years, and how land use intensity contributed to these changes. We seek to identify pollinator traits, which react most sensitive to climate change and which might be used as an early-warning indicator in the future.

ADAPT will investigate the adaptability of pollinators from a molecular level up to a colony and community level. By transplanting entire bumblebee colonies from higher to lower elevations, we will investigate whether climate warming has an impact on the phenology, fitness and pollination efficiency of these important pollinator group. For this purpose, we develop “intelligent” bumblebee nest boxes, which record the colony’s weight, activity and phenological events highly automated. Transcriptome analyses of bumblebee species along the elevational gradient will reveal whether the adaptability of species is related to certain gene expression patterns.

Last but not least, we will implement our knowledge about pollinators’ adaptability into novel species-distribution models, that predict community composition and ecosystem services of pollinators in Bavaria more precisely. 

Principal investigator
Dr. Alice Claßen
Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg, Germany
Tel: +49 931 31 82793


  • Cuticular hydrocarbons of alpine bumble bees (Hymenoptera: Bombus) are species-specific, but show little evidence of elevation-related climate adaptation
    Maihoff F, Sahler S, Schoger S, et al
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2023; 11
  • Smaller, more diverse and on the way to the top: Rapid community shifts of montane wild bees within an extraordinary hot decade
    Maihoff F, Friess N, Hoiss B et al
    Diversity and Distribution 2023; 29: 272–288
  • Alpine butterflies want to fly high: Species and communities shift upwards faster than their host plants
    Kerner JM, Krauss J, Maihoff F, et al
    Ecology 2022
  • Temperature and livestock grazing trigger transcriptome responses in bumblebees along an elevational gradient
    Brenzinger K, Maihoff F, Peters MK, et al
    iScience 2022; 25: 105175
  • Contrasting patterns of richness, abundance, and turnover in mountain bumble bees and their floral hosts
    Sponsler DB, Requier F, Kallnik K, Classen A, Maihoff AF, Sieger J, Steffan-Dewenter I
    Ecology 2022 : e3712
  • Floral preferences of mountain bumble bees are constrained by functional traits but flexible through elevation and season
    Sponsler D, Kallnik K, Requier F, Classen A, Maihoff AF, Sieger J, Steffan-Dewenter I
    Oikos 2021; 00: 1-12
  • Temperature drives variation in flying insect biomass across a German malaise trap network
    Welti, EAR., Zajicek P, Frenzel M, Ayasse M, Bornholdt T, Buse J., Classen A, Dziock F, Engelmann RA, Englmeier J, Fellendorf M, Förschler MI, Fricke U, Ganuza C, Hippke M, Hoenselaar G, Kaus-Thiel A, Kerner J, Kilian D, Mandery K, Marten A, Monaghan MT, Morkel C, Müller J, Puffpaff S, Redlich S, Richter R, Rojas- Botero S, Scharnweber T, Scheiffarth G, Schmidt Yáñez P, Schumann R, Seibold S, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stoll S, Tobisch C, Twietmeyer S, Uhler J, Vogt J, Weis D, Weisser WW, Wilmking M, Haase P
    Insect Conservation and Diversity 2022; 15 (2): 168-180
  • Anpassungsstrategien von Bestäubern an den Klimawandel
    Claßen A, Kerner J, Maihoff F
    Klima-Report Bayern 2021: 171
  • Wandelt Klima Arten? Zur Anpassungsfähigkeit von Bestäubern im alpinen Raum
    Classen A
    BfN-Skripten 2021; 596, Korn H, Dünnfelder H, Schliep R (Hrsg.)
  • Temperature drives variation in flying insect biomass across a German malaise trap network. Insect Conservation and Diversity
    Welti, EAR., Zajicek P, Frenzel M, Ayasse M, Bornholdt T, Buse J., Classen A, Dziock F, Engelmann RA, Englmeier J, Fellendorf M, Förschler MI, Fricke U, Ganuza C, Hippke M, Hoenselaar G, Kaus-Thiel A, Kerner J, Kilian D, Mandery K, Marten A, Monaghan MT, Morkel C, Müller J, Puffpaff S, Redlich S, Richter R, Rojas- Botero S, Scharnweber T, Scheiffarth G, Schmidt Yáñez P, Schumann R, Seibold S, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stoll S, Tobisch C, Twietmeyer S, Uhler J, Vogt J, Weis D, Weisser WW, Wilmking M, Haase P
    Wiley Online Library 2021
  • A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production
    Dainese M, Martin EA, Aizen MA, (et al., et seq.) Classen A, Steffan-Dewenter I
    Science Advances 2019; 5
  • Es geht heiß her – Gewinner und Verlierer des Klimawandels
    Classen A
    Vertikale Wildnis – Das Magazin des Nationalparks Berchtesgaden 2019; Nr. 35

Doctoral Thesis

  • Adaptation of alpine bees in times of climate change: Insights into different biological levels and implication for future projections
    Maihoff, Anne Fabienne (Dissertation 2022 abgeschlossen, ADAPT)
  • Impact of climate change and land use on butterfly communities and ecosystem services
    Kerner, Janika (laufende Dissertation, ADAPT)

Final Papers

  • The impact of climate change on alpine hoverfly communities, species and traits
    Nikki Sauer (laufende Masterarbeit, ADAPT)
  • The impact of extensive grazing on the survival of butterfly caterpillars
    Katrin Fuest (laufende Bachelorarbeit, ADAPT)
  • Optimale Körpergrößenverteilung im Koloniezyklus von Bombus sp. – empirische Überprüfung eines ökologischen Modells
    Manuel Kuhn (Bachelorarbeit 2021, ADAPT)
  • Kolonieentwicklung, Fouragierverhalten und Thermotoleranz von Bombus lucorum in zwei Klimaregionen Bayerns – ein Translokationsexperiment
    Simone Sahler (Bachelorarbeit 2021, ADAPT)
  • Kolonieentwicklung von Bombus terrestris und Bombus lucorum und Plastizität der Thermotoleranz von B. terrestris
    Simon Schoger (Bachelorarbeit 2021, ADAPT)
  • Morphological traits and thermal tolerances of hoverflies along an elevational gradient in the National Park Berchtesgaden
    Elisa Treffehn (Bachelorarbeit 2020, ADAPT
  • A 10 year comparison on plant diversity of anemophilous and entomophioous plants in montane to alpine grasslands in the National Park Berchtesgaden
    Lukas Bofinger (Masterarbeit 2020, ADAPT)
  • Thermotolerances of wild bees along elevational gradients in the National Park Berchtesgaden
    Irina Schemm (Bachelorarbeit 2019, ADAPT)