For the third time, the bayklif project “AquaKlif – multiple stressors for flowing waters in climate change” is organizing the so-called Water Controversies: Climate change brings new challenges in many areas around water, and there are controversial positions on how to solve them. Experts from research and practice discuss these pressing issues in the “Water Controversies” dialog forum.
Topic: Drinking water protection in climate change
About 90 percent of Bavaria’s drinking water comes from spring and groundwater, as well as from lakes and reservoirs and bank filtrate. Climate change is leading to changes in precipitation patterns, higher evaporation and consequently falling groundwater levels.
What will the balances for our water supply look like in the future – at the regional level and in the supply of long-distance water? What can water utilities do to best ensure security of supply? What land management measures help protect and replenish groundwater aquifers? And how do state and regional planning support the sustainable use of water resources?
All interested parties are cordially invited!
Further information can be found here.
The event will be held in german language!