Ben Gilfedder, Jürgen Geist and Johannes Barth chaired the session “Impacts of climate change and extreme events on acquatic ecosystems” at the meeting of the German Society for Limnology (DGL) in Leipzig at the end of September.
With 12 contributions, the session spanned two days. There were contributions in English and German, covering topics such as cyanobacterial blooms in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, low water management and threats to biodiversity at springs.
Up to 90 participants attended the session in both virtual and real space at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig. Overall, the outlook was both frightening and encouraging in equal measure, firstly because many consequences of climate change are already becoming apparent at streams, lakes and reservoirs, and secondly because many proposed solutions – e.g. epilimnic water abstraction – were also considered and discussed. Overall, the conference was a great success with 214 participants and fits well into the action picture of the AquaKlif project.
Website DGL Annual Conference 2021
Conference program and abstract volume in PDF format